Mar 17, 2006

from the mouths of dweebs: our second annual installment

More Student Congress, more crazy quotes.

On the merits of lethal injection versus a firing squad: "What if I told you I could get you a nice, peaceful, relaxed death?"

On capital punishment via diplomacy: "...until your life is ended by the state department."

On the conservation of our most precious natural resource: "...considering that oil--and petroleum, for that matter--oil and petroleum are fast disappearing."

On important dates: "...when George Washington left office in... eighteenwhatever..."

On bombast: " we take our rightful place as the moral leader of the enlightened world."

On blaming the adolescent victim: "If she's in an abusive family, then obviously she shouldn't be in that family in the first place."

On crypto-fascist education: "We must preserve the purity of intelligence..."

On malapropism: "A woman will arrive at the hospital bleeding from the universe..."

On the utility of coats: "It keeps me warm, and keeps me from getting a disease."

(Read the original edition here.)

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