Dec 31, 2005

bah humbug

Today's gem from the letters to the editor:

I felt a sadness come over me after I left shopping at the Capital mall. Christmas was missing. No grand Christmas trees, no Christmas carols, etc.

The joy of feeling Christmas was not present.

But the retailers did not mind pushing holiday sales at us.

The young do not know what has happened to the celebration of Christmas by the few who object. I do not understand why those few have such power to change something that has been with the many for so long?

Jeane Millar,
Come off it, Ms. Millar. Jesus is happy that he's no longer expected to help sell Barcaloungers, nose hair trimmers, perfumed candles, DVD players, diamond pendants, foot massagers, yards-o-beef, and everything else Christmas moves off the shelf.

The War on Christmas Crap is over, and Jesus won.

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