Apr 11, 2005

you get to choose

Here's a philosophical question to ponder.

Assuming they are mutually exclusive, which would you rather have: omnipotence or omniscience? Why?

Update: Two posts, two calls to "ponder." *sigh*


Unknown said...

What was that oracle's name, the one Apollo cursed? She could see the future, but she couldn't alter it.

I say onmiscience because then you could set up a spooky business place where you foretell people's deaths and they pay you lots of money.

Jim Anderson said...

Her name was Pythia, and how dare you implicitly impugn her motives.

eRobin said...

I thought it was Cassandra. Was she the Roman one or something?

I'm with thetachyix. I think omniscience would drive my insane unless I was omnipotent too. I'll take omnimpotent and run the risk that I'd foolishly use my powers the wrong way. That would be horrible though ...

Jim Anderson said...

Cassandra was the unsuccessful seer; no one believed her prophecies.